Cold Waters Nuclear Submarine Game - PMC Tactical

Welcome to Cold Waters where you command Los Angeles class nuclear attack submarine in the United States Navy during the cold war (and later in the year 2000 in South China Sea update).

Welcome To Nuclear Submarine Warfare

Cold Waters is spiritual successor for the old 1980's Commodore 64 game called Red Storm Rising.

Released Jun 4th, 2017.

Cold Waters is quite arcade game, very easy to get into but still having somewhat requirement for nuclear submarine warfare. Cold Waters is no simulator, that's for sure.

Baffles its about bubbles.

Campaign excellent Cold War era action.

Damage Control manage that damage, hey that rhymes.

Decoy distance yourself from the decoy.

Developer Posts hear it straight from the devs.

Downloads a hassle free page with torrent 7-Zip files to download, don't forget to seed.

ESM Mast surveillance of the enemy emissions.

History of releases.

Links official, community and PMC website links.

Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) is a dangerous device for any shallow running submariner.

Mods modifications for Cold Waters.

Navigation HOWTO navigate your nuclear submarine around the theaters.

Ship Recognition Manual learn them ships.

Sierra vs Master Contacts whats the difference of these two contacts?

Stories stories from the Cold War and South China Sea.

Thermocline or otherwise known as thermal layer.

Torpedo Tubes how to properly use your torpedo tubes.

Towed Array Sonar basic use of this sonar device.