Cold Waters Nuclear Submarine game/sim website by PMC.
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There are three movement speeds for your submarine on the Strategic Map.
Stationary: Your submarine is listening. Combat starts at ~5 knots and at shallow depth.
Patrol Speed: Combat starts at ~15 knots and at moderate depth. LEFT CLICK (Comma) to move at patrol speed toward the mouse pointer.
Full Speed: Combat starts at ~25 knots and at deep depth. RIGHT CLICK (Period) to move at full speed toward the mouse pointer.
When encountering an enemy force, the speed at which you are moving impacts starting distances, as sonar is less effective due to flow noise at faster speeds. Start depth may be altered by terrain if in shallow waters.
Your submarine's speed also determines the range at which you reveal nearby enemy units. Faster speeds decrease detection range.
When you encounter enemy icon and mission starts if you used LMB to move its starts 20 knots and RMB is 10 knots in 150 feet depth.
Try to avoid running high speed LMB into enemy icons, you are most likely going to be immediately detected on mission start. Use RMB always when near enemy icons and intercepting them. Or better yet stay stationary, waiting and lurking, let enemy come to you.